10 Ways To Deal With Pain
Wednesday, 21. November 2007
Just thinking about how fucked up we women actually are...
My roommate just got a sms from his girlfriend, kinda stating that he should come this weekend, she cant take it...
"She's got reasons he dont"
Feeling really sorry because that like the kind of act that i would pull off....
Called Gary to tell him that i'm sorry, cause i know exactly what she want to say, but when you watch your roommate cry you just feel like crap pulling such things off - but how can you fix brainfuck like this?
, and he just said, cant live with you cant live without you....
I gotta try too stop doing this to other people, it makes me feel so bad, to see how T. is so sad because - frankly (i know what im talking about) somebody has a very small ego.....

It's HARD but it has to work!!!!! This other thing is not an option!

This calls for Halleluja!

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